Hello and welcome to Form 1

Please click here to see our topic web for terms 5 & 6

Dear Parents,  


 We hope this message finds you well and ready for the term ahead. We were all excited to welcome Kate back at the beginning of term 5. Moving forward, Kate and Alison will be sharing the class with Kate teaching on Monday and Tuesday, Alison teaching on Wednesday and Friday and both of us teaching on Thursday. On a Thursday, Kate will be leading the construction group and Alison will be leading the group working on their employability skills at school. We are looking forward to a term filled with lots of learning and exciting experiences for your young adults.  

Our primary goal is to foster the development of appropriate levels of independence in your young people, providing the necessary support as they navigate through Key Stage 5 and transition into their post-19 placements. Therefore, throughout the college, we are all invested in equipping our students with the skills and confidence needed for the next steps in their educational journey.  


We are committed to providing a broad and balanced education. From exploring individual interests and next steps on the road to employment to experiencing fiction and honing functional English and Maths skills, we are dedicated to a holistic approach to education.  


Our focus extends beyond the traditional classroom setting. We incorporate as many 'real-life' practical activities as possible, ensuring that our students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Therefore, in addition to classroom learning, we offer individual opportunities for experiences outside the college environment. These include engaging in work experience, hands-on construction projects, nurturing gardens in our Muddy Wellies program, and enjoying swimming sessions.  


To tailor the educational experience to each student's interests, they have had the opportunity to make choices from a selection of options. Individual timetables are now in place, ensuring a personalized and effective learning journey.  


Communication between home and school remains a priority. We will continue to use contact books and/ or email for daily updates. Should you ever need to reach us directly, feel free to call the school's main number and request to be put through to the college. Kate and Alison are available to address any concerns or queries. Kate’s working days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning and Thursday while Alison is available Wednesday to Friday. You can reach us via telephone or email at k.davies@stns.org.uk (Kate) and a.grant@stns.org.uk (Alison).  


Thank you for entrusting us with the education and growth of your young adults. We look forward to a collaborative and successful term ahead.  


Kind regards,  

Kate Davies, Alison Grant, and the Form 1 team 


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